623-322-5700 Valley Wide

Diagnostic Injections

Finding the source of pain is one of the greatest challenges in pain management. While imaging studies and diagnostic testing narrow down the likely causes of pain, often diagnostic injections are required to confirm the diagnosis.

9a. Discogram

A provocative discogram can help determine if a degenerative disc is the major cause of pain. Medical dye is injected into several discs and the spread of the contrast is viewed under x-ray. It is common for patients to have more than one degenerative disc. This diagnostic injection allows us to identify the problematic disc.

What to expect after a discogram

The goal of this procedure is to re-create the pain that is caused by a specific disc. Patients may experience an increase pain for a few days. Often patients continue prescribed pain medications
as needed after this procedure.

9b. Selective Nerve Root Block (SNRB)

This procedure is used to help determine the exact.

Nerve root that is transmitting pain and the amount of relief can be achieved by blocking a nerve. Response from a SNRB is helpful to identify the source of pain and is often used in conjunction
with surgical planning.

What to expect after a Selective Nerve Root Block

The injection of local anesthetic medication along the nerve can result in hours of pain relief. The amount of relief and the number of hours of relief are very important to monitor and record.
A pain diary is given to patients after the procedure. Patients should use this form to record the detailed response to these injections. Patients may experience long term pain relief after 3 to 7 days, once the steroid starts taking effect.